Media Publishing Cloud
Media Publishing Cloud is an internal cloud-based video platform that supports all of Adobe’s video workflow needs including video publishing, encoding, analytics, assorted video players, and more. The platform hosts virtually all of Adobe’s video content and supports critical business activities including product pages, executive presentations, and much more.
Through my employer, Wrecking Ball Studio & Labs (an advertising agency), I was tasked as the Lead Designer for version 2.0 of the Media Publishing Cloud. My role was to create wireframes, establish new flows, and design the final layouts. The entire company of Adobe was pleased with my finished design! The platform is actively used by thousands of employees everyday.
Media Publishing Cloud launched in the mid-2000s. It suffered from poor usability. A simple task took around 10-20 clicks. It showed its age and was overdue for a revamp.
The new Media Publishing Cloud should make it as quick and easy as possible for users to upload and publish videos and other media. All content should be highly organized, allowing for swift browsing through categories.
Strategy and Analytics
Design and Creative
User Experience
Information Architecture
Desktop web
Discovery & Early Wireframes
The beginning phase of the project involved several Discovery meetings between myself and the developers. As you can see in the photo below, we're using the Story Mapping method during these meetings. (I'm wearing the striped shirt.)
I performed a great deal of background research with video hosting applications before beginning the wifreframes. I also took into consideration what worked for version 1.0 and the features that were requested for version 2.0.
Final Comps
The progression of the wireframes reached this final result. I decided to make the layout even simpler by taking out elements of less priority. I managed to convince the project lead at Adobe to let users customize the categories they can view instead of overwhelming them with the full list of categories.
Upon approval, my designs were forwarded to the developers for the next phase of the project. This is an internal application so I don't have live layouts to show.