The story of "Snackables" begins with a request from Adobe to create a short animation for their new Shaper tool that they were going to add to Adobe Illustrator. I created an HTML5 animated micro-tutorial which flaunted the key features of the tool. Adobe told me they would just stuff it somewhere in Illustrator's documentation. To my surprise, what Adobe actually did was have my animation appear as soon as anyone clicked the Shaper tool for the first time! Thousands of people all around the world saw my animation!
Clearly, Adobe was satisfied with my work to give it such astronomical prominence. They wanted more. They asked for a series of Snackables for use in PR (blogs) and social media. Video was chosen as the medium since HTML5 animations aren't practical for social sharing.
I created a total of 6 Snackable videos. They came out really awesome! Adobe loved them. They happily shared my Snackable movies across all of their social media channels. The posts received a great deal of engagement, likes, and shares.
Design and Creative
Motion Graphics
Video Creation